Andre Parker: Stories


The intent of this remembrance page is for Andre's family and
friends to send in stories that they have of him. These stories
could be from his childhood, school years, college years, special
occasions, vacations, get togethers, holidays, family reunions,
etc. If you were telling this story to someone, you would begin
by saying "I remember the time Andre..."

Please send me these stories. Thanks!


LEISL LARSON (LUNDY) (Class of 1987)
The first time I met Andre was in the blue hall cafeteria. Dawn Sterbanz introduced me and as I recall we spoke just a little bit and then he took off to go do something. He wound up upstairs on the balcony and shouted down to us that he had found some bears that the French club had made and that they were throwing them out. He was so excited and held one over the railing to show us. I kept telling him to throw me one so I could look at it, and he kept telling me over and over that he wouldn't because he thought I would break it. But it was just a bear so I kept thinking he was being way over-protective and finally got him to drop one down.

I caught it just fine, but as it turned out it was a glass jar that had been turned into a bear. The weight of it and the surprise of the fact that it wasn't just a stuffed animal after all, totally caught me off guard so I immediately let go of it and watched in dismay as it crashed on the edge of the table and then shattered in pieces all over. For anyone that knows Andre, they know exactly his reaction at that moment -- his jaw dropped to the floor. It was so hilarious that for the next 18 years I took every chance I could get to make Andre's jaw drop in shock and loved every second of it.


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