Friday, July 26, 1996. 6:30pm.
The Icebreaker Mixer was a casual event of cocktails and hors d'oeuvres
held at Chilkoot Charlie's (2435 Spenard Road, Anchorage). It was a graduates
only event so spouses or significant others wouldn't be bored with stories
that were special to us, but had little or no meaning to those who were
not there. But many spouses did come as they knew many of the other alumni
or they just put up with it! A couple of icebreaker games were played
to get us to interact. We were broken down into groups based on stamps
that were put on our hands during check-in. One game had us passing an
orange to the person next to us by using only our neck and chin! The games were a lot of fun!
A few words of thanks are due. First, I would like to thank Giles Harrison
for sending me copies of his photographs that have now ended up on this
web page. He's a great photographer! Second, a special thanks to Jan Davis
(Haslett) who a few years ago flew to San Francisco from Los Angeles to
help me label all the photographs that were sent in. Third, Diane Dunham
arranged to have the mixer take place at Chilkoot Charlie's which had
a great open space near the back bar which included a big patio area.
And fourth, Illiya Pekich provided beer on tap for a minimal charge through
his liquor distribution company. It was a great mixer that got the reunion
weekend off to a good start!