
THANK YOU to the following classmates that have made cash donations over the years! The money is used to for the monthly website hosting fees, domain name fees for this website, the yearly holiday mailing (which updates the mailing addresses), and seed money for the next reunion.

In 2005-2006 and 2016, classmates donated cash that was used as seed money to get the reunion started and for the many "extras" at these reunions. Because of all these generous and wonderful donations, we had a REALLY nice 20th and 30th Year Reunion!

Donations are ALWAYS welcomed and VERY much appreciated! If interested, make a check out to "Dawn Dalton" and mail to: 202 N. Harvard Avenue, Arlington Heights, IL 60005. Or use Paypal via your bank account (please note if paying by credit card, they will take out 2.9% and $0.30 per transaction): THANK YOU!!

Azimi-Tabrizi, Amir
Beeter, Ron
Majalca, Laura (Fowler)
Valdrow, Joe

Deren, Dawn (Moe)
Nielsen, Mike

Angelone, Gina
Barnhart, Scott
Hayes, Katie (Fierro)
Howe, Rick
Nielsen, Mike
Walton, Steve

Hayes, Katie (Fierro)

Angelone, Gina
Hayes, Katie (Fierro)

Alfano, Jessica (Johnson)
Angelone, Gina
Carter, Shawna (Thomas)
Dean, Brian
Erol, Dawn (Moe)
Genders, Correna (Krook) & Steve
Halliday, Lisa
Harris, Robyn (LaMore)
Hudson, Karen (Polk)
Janis, Sally
Johnson, Reggie
Paige, Tonya (Worst)
Smith, Meg (Brown)
Spurling, Carolyn (Masonheimer)
Steinbruner, Leah (Hommel)
Townsend, Skip
Valdrow, Joe
Walton, Janene (Anderson)
Walton, Steve
Wing, Greg
Wyrick, Pamela (Gifford)

Angelone, Gina
Barnhart, Scott
Carter, Shawna (Thomas)
Halliday, Lisa
Hayes, Katie (Fierro) (four donations!)
Majalca, Laura (Fowler)
Sniff, Terry (Shively)
Walton, Steve
Angelone, Gina
Barr, Bob
Carter, Shawna (Thomas) (four donations!)
Deren, Dawn (Moe)
Evans, John (two donations!)
Forrester, Donna (Davis) (two donations!)
Heslop, Laura (Phipps)
Moen, Jarle
Paige, Tonya (Worst)
Sanders, Tammy (Woller)
Silva, Jennifer (Boring) (two donations!)
Terry, Michelle (Palmer)
Thayer, Curtis
Townsend, Skip

Azimi-Tabrizi, Amir
Barnhart, Scott (two donations!)
Brown, Lonnie
Burton, Eric
Butler, Stephanie (Green)
Carmen, Christine (Hagenhoff)
Cizek, Kelley (Butler)
Deren, Dawn (Moe) (two donations!)
East, Kathy (Lenners)
Eral, Mark
Fetko, Mike
Foster, Carmen (Kreh)
Gallant, Tom
Gregory, Lynda (Almasy)
Gustafson, Joan (Everard)
Harris, Robyn (LaMore)
Hetrick, Kayleen (Graham)
Holmes, Carrie (Nikolic)
Howe, Rick
Janis, Sally
Johnson, Reggie
Kost, Kim (Anderson) (two donations!)
Laird, Tracy (Harpel)
Lee-Kuehn, Yvonne (Lee) (three donations!)
Loomis, Andrew
Manassa, Sharon (Smith)
Mathews, Karen (Boardman)
Miller, Caroline (Bolls)
Paige, Tonya (Worst)
Andre Parker Family
Petro, Brian
Sanders, Tammy (Woller)
Snell, Matt (two donations!)
Sniff, Terry (Shively)
Steinbruner, Leah (Hommel) (two donations!)
Townsend, Skip
Walton, Steve (two donations!)