Alumni Communication - November 1, 2005


Hello BHS Class of 1986!

Do you have reunion fever yet? The 20th reunion is going to be FUN - FUN - FUN!! I've got a lot of grand ideas that I'm about to set in motion. I'm very, very excited!

But first business....

Found Alumni
Since my last email a year ago, two more alumni have been found. Yea! We have 343 in our class with only 74 missing (21%). Not too bad. The search for the remaining will soon hit a feverish pitch. I'm going to be asking for help, so expect a separate email on this subject to be coming soon. The two that were found: Sean Bussell and Ben McNaughtan.

I've been just blown away by the donations lately. I've received four generous donations since my request last year. Steve Walton recently sent the largest donation to date, and I'm so grateful to him! This year Shawna Carter (Thomas) sent her FOURTH large donation!! Wow. New mom Tammy Sanders (Woller) was so kind to send her wonderful donation! And a BIG thanks also goes out to Bob Barr for his contribution!

With Steve Walton's large donation, this is the first time I'm operating in the black. Awesome! It couldn't have come at a better time as now I'll use it as seed money to start the reunion planning. However, I know from experience that this money will get used up quickly. Everything after that point will again come out of my own pocket. To help keep the cost of the reunion down and out of the goodness of your heart, if you're able to donate any amount I would greatly appreciate it!! Please make the checks out to "Dawn Dalton. Email me for my current home address. Thanks!

BHS Class of 1986 20th Reunion
Okay class, here we go....

I'm picking a tentative 2006 date of June 23, 24, and 25.
I've been researching trends, and I'm going to stick to what we did for the 10th Reunion:
June 23 -- Icebreaker. Significant others welcome, no children.
June 24 -- Dinner/Dance Banquet. Semi-formal, no children.
June 25 -- Picnic. Bring the family!

Now these dates are NOT locked until the banquet facility has been reserved for the dinner/dance evening on June 24th. Please keep this in mind when requesting vacation time off. As soon as it's locked, I'll inform everyone immediately.

Need Banquet Facility/Menu Coordinator
With that being said, I need an Alaskan volunteer NOW to take on this key task. Your responsibilities will include:
- Researching and selecting facility.
- Making menu/meal arrangements.
- Create budget.
- Hotel reservations.

Please email me IMMEDIATELY if you're interested. I would like to have this figured out by the beginning of December. I'll go over more of the details when we talk.

If you can't help in this position but you have an unusual or different idea on where this should be held in Anchorage, please email me and I'll make sure to pass it on to the Banquet Facility/Menu Coordinator. Thanks!

Other Committee Members
I've broken out the rest of the tasks by "Alaska" and "Lower 48" Committee Coordinators. My thought is there are many things that can be done by someone who isn't currently living in Alaska (i.e., I don't live in Alaska!). In fact, I'm even encouraging spouses/partners to participate if they want.

I hope within the next week to send out an email breaking down all these committees and their responsibilities. I strongly encourage EVERYONE to participate in some way as the success of this reunion will depend on everyone working together. I can't do it alone -- so PLEASE help!!

Now It's Time for Everyone to Email Me
My first order of business is to update all the alumni mailing addresses. If you have email, I'm only going to send out one mailing which will be the formal invitation. To save me time and the class money, I would like to not deal with return mail.

For those alumni who don't have email, I'm going to have to send out a mailer to let them know what's going on and hopefully get their email addresses. I'll be doing A LOT of communication through email, so ideally I would like every classmate's email address.

So at this time, please email me and send me your current mailing address and phone number. If you just sent it to me or you think I have the current one, please send it again. If you have a different email address you would like me to use for the next seven months, please let me know this information, too.

Got the fever yet?!

Take care,
Dawn Dalton (Houghtaling)
BHS Class of 1986 Chair

Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!